
Purpose of the game

Players strive to become better chefs by creating and improving sauces. They aim to develop a diverse range of the hottest sauces that they can monetize by staking or using in a subsequent Shill2Earn game.

Game process

Registration Rewards. Upon registration, the player receives

- Basic avatar - Random bush with a common vegetable - Box of 30 vegetables - Basic knife - Cutting board - Bake Pot - 100% success when creating the first set of sauces

Daily rewards. Each subsequent day players receive

- Free box of 30 random vegetables - One vegetable from your own bush - Vegetables from any purchased bushes depending on their yield

Vegetables and their sources

Players can obtain vegetables through: - Daily Free Boxes - Buying themed or rare boxes - Harvesting from their own bushes - Completing special game quests - Earning them through appropriate game mechanics in the next Shill2Earn game.

Growing vegetables

- Players must take care of their bushes by watering them regularly, using a Tamagotchi-like grooming principle. - They can harvest vegetables depending on the bushes rarity and the rank of their avatars. - Players can crossbreed common and uncommon bushes to create the rarer bushes.

Making sauces

Players use a unique mechanism similar to a slot machine to select recipes. If the player does not have the required vegetables or access to recipes, they can purchase recipe books or forage for ingredients.

Economic aspects and NFT integration

Users of Web2 and Web3 can enjoy the gameplay and have various earning opportunities:

Sell sauces in-game or transfer and mint rare sauces as NFTs. Buy, burn and craft rare bushes, then mint and sell them as NFTs. Trade NFT accessories and dynamic NFT avatars. $SALSA can be used for external functions such as NFT creation and voting. Some token fees will be distributed among NFT owners.


Avatars are promoted based on time spent in the game, in-game purchases, and achievements. The productivity of bushes improves depending on care and selection.

This gameplay design includes a wide range of mechanics, combining traditional mobile gaming with the cutting-edge world of blockchain and NFTs. Players not only engage in creative and strategic tasks, but also participate in economic aspects, potentially profiting from their in-game achievements.

Last updated