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Initial Setup: Each player chooses a character and receives starting money and NFT cards based on their character's conditions.
Board Setup: Assemble the game board using the four double-sided pieces connected by puzzle-like locks.
During each turn, players can take one of the following actions:
Roll the Dice: Roll the dice and move your token the number of spaces indicated. Perform the action corresponding to the spot you land on.
Play an NFT Card: Pay the card's cost in the specified currency (SALSA, BNB, or ETH) to upgrade your character.
Real Estate Transactions: Buy or sell a house or project office on the game board.
Catapult Action: Use a catapult to increase the yield of your tokens.
Milestones and Awards: Pay to claim a Milestone or reserve an Award for your achievements in the game.
Special Sectors: Land on or choose to play one of the special sectors like #PumpIt, #DumpIt, #VivaLaSalsa, #ToTheMoon, #Casino, #Carousel, #DogeRacing, or #MiningFridge to earn extra cryptopeppers in a fun and rewarding way.
The game concludes when all the green squares on the board, designated for placing marker cubes to gain crypto peppers, are occupied.
To determine the winner, tally the following:
The number of houses and project offices you've placed on the board.
The amount of cryptopeppers in your DEX wallet.
The value of cryptopeppers on your NFT cards.
The player with the most cryptopeppers, considering all these factors, wins the game and is declared the owner of the "hottest" salsa in Salsa Valley!
Now, gather your friends and embark on this exciting journey through the world of cryptocurrencies, real estate, and spicy salsa!